
Innovate your life!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How did John and I meet?

Someone important to me asked the other day if I could talk about how John and I met, over 4 years ago.  It’s an interesting short story which, I believe, speaks of life’s uncanny mystery.
A few years prior, Dad, and my two brothers, Josh and Justin (who you will see in episode 1 of upcoming Season 2), worked together in Paden Builders – our family’s contracting and construction company.  One of their clients happened to be two men who lived together, nearby where we lived, on the hill in Schoharie.  In fact, their house could be considered to be in the same neighborhood.
As a gay man, it was interesting to know that there was a couple living so close in the country.  Josh, Justin and Dad, over the course of a few weeks, continued and completed their job of constructing a barn for this man called John. 
Anyway, years went by and I hadn’t heard anything about the couple after, until one night when I was on the computer.  I’d been dabbling in online dating through Yahoo Personals, when all of the sudden, I came across a man called John who lived in Schoharie who was newly single.  I contacted him to say hello.  He asked me who I was.  I’d put two and two together at that point and said I was, believe it or not, a neighbor.  In fact, (and this is a blend of funny and creepy, which we both smile about now) I said I could see his house from my kitchen window.  Well apparently, this John jumped up and looked out his back windows to see who the heck and from what distant house might be staring back! 
We chatted a few times then, but I knew that his breakup was still fresh, and he’d need more time before jumping into any kind of relationship with me.  So we were friends, who talked occasionally for almost ½ a year after. 
Then, one day, while I was outside working on a Halloween project for a production I was in charge of, John stopped by.  He’d seen me working in front of the garage while he’d driven by.  See, he’d been living in Sharon Springs with his family at that point while he and his partner worked out an amiable situation where John’s many goats could remain at the old farm.  He’d been driving back and forth twice a day to feed, water and milk, going past my house at those times.    
He stopped and talked for a bit, finally seeing each other’s faces in person for the first time.  He left but then soon returned a week later.  Before we knew it, by January 1st, he’d begun coming by the house every day for lunch and staying till he had to milk again that night.  It helped him cut down on the drive time, but of course, more importantly, something was slowly building.
This went on for another four months, till the 1st of April.  On April 1st, of all days – the day of pranks - was also the day that John and I solidified our relationship and became an official couple.  And we’ve been happily ever since. 
Now interestingly, it was also the day that Josh and Brent responded to his letter and accepted John’s idea of living at the Beekman in the small house as caretaker, with all his goats. 
So, a notoriously silly day on the calendar (April Fools) turned out to be a radical twist in our four lives now here at the Beekman.  It is funny… just how mysterious life is.  Can’t help but wonder if it was, somehow, all meant to be. 
Thanks, Teri, for asking!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Today feels right to blog again...

I think I may have mentioned this in one of my old blogs, but most mornings now, after John and I come in from the barn (which doesn't take much time these days, now that the goats are winding down for the season in milk production), I sit for a bit and meditate. 
See, Michael Whaling created this most magnificent piece of art that will hopefully be a part of this gorgeous property from now till the end of time.  It's his stone wall.  I've shown it to you in previous older posts, but video doesn't do it justice. 
This wall is now an important part of my life.  After spending my first waking moments with the animals and making sure they are hayed and watered with John, I'm ready to spend a moment with one of our barn animals in particular - Bubby, one of our amazing cats. 
You can't compare animals to animals like you can't people.  Everyone's so beautifully different and important, there's simply no need to want to try.  So Bubby and the wall share my special morning time. 
Michael brilliantly built into this stone structure, which surrounds Josh's wonderful garden, with a seat.  Two actually.  One on the side nearest our house, near our entrance, and one beautifully centered in the corner.  Not sure why, but that one draws me in most often. 
This morning, I situated myself on the seat with Bubby.  I almost didn't feel the need to ponder this morning, but as John and I approached the house, he reminded me of what a nice morning it was weather wise.  He was right.  Prior, stepping out of the barn revealed an amazing 1/4 moon and a single star (which I actually think is one of the planets) and a rose hinted light cloud cover.  The sun was getting ready to rise and the temperature was nice for this time of year.  Perfect.  How could I resist. 
I called to Bubby, who had followed us from the barn to the house and he bounded over to follow me to our seat in the corner.  We sat for a few moments and I got inspiration to write. 
Since I've been spending this quality time with Bubby and the garden and the wall and the sky, I've noticed I've felt lighter... happier... smiling and laughing a lot.  It's just such a good feeling.  I think Bubby's been happier too.  lol. 
It's nice.  It's simple.  It's good.  And you know what?   I think life is too.  Complications seem to be smoke and mirrors to me lately.  There's something deeply good going on underneith it all.  Secretly and beautifully hidden.  I can't help but feel like I'm kind of waking up to it myself.  I think we all are.  And I can't help but smile about it.
This is a photo of Bubby.  He's so striking here.  I took this before the wall was finished.  Interestingly, he's sitting right next to our favorite seat, before we really started sitting there regularly.  (Maybe life whispers.)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


It’s been a bit since I’ve been on and I apologize to anyone who might have been wondering where the heck I went.  I think in my last post I mentioned how I was working hard to keep up to the exciting orders that were wonderfully coming in.  It was great trying to keep up, and I’m not sure I did an entirely perfect job at it since my posting suffered a bit.
But, alas, I am back after having learned a truly valuable lesson - the importance of communication.  I learned that no matter how busy this life gets, it’s important to stop, take a moment from the hussle and check in with your friends and family – which thankfully now includes you. 
So what’s going on?  Well, this was an amazingly meaningful holiday (Thanksgiving) to have experienced.  Funny how in the past I was always so caught up in the excitement over the food and how stuffed I would make myself by night’s end that I somehow may have missed a point.  This year was a bit different. 
I decided to live up to the name of the day and stuff myself rather with appreciation… for everything… and everyone I’ve had the privilege to know and get to know in my life.  And of course, that still includes you!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
I’d like to be clear here that I’m not referring directly, though I feel great gratitude for it as well, to your purchasing our products.  That is wonderful and a very kind gesture and I really enjoy knowing that there is interest in this aspect of our lives. 
But I’m talking about something a little deeper (which I believe is where I will be dipping from now on in these posts – another little something I’d learned from this epiphany).  I guess I’m referring to a new connection I feel with you all - which I’m thankful for.  Superficially, you know about me, just a little bit from my brief cameo in Season 1, my relation with John and maybe a bit more from what I’ve written in some posts, here.  But how can you really know someone with such limited information.  In reality, we don’t… or do we?
Sometimes, even without knowing, we do… intuitively.  
We’re all a lot more alike than we think.  We are, after all, people.  We’re much more similar than different.  We all have struggles and we all have loves.  Sometimes I wonder if the struggling is really about that ever search for that love.  I’m not only referring to romantic love, which is the most obvious form, but the more pervasive, subtle love and acceptance we all crave to feel – for others and even for ourselves. 
Now, for entertainment purposes, some of John’s and my challenges are televised.  Interesting situation to be in.  And it’s a good thing.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to reach out to you in this special way.  It’s all about feeling connected.  Sometimes we don’t.  Sometimes we do.  Now I feel it.  The show may have been one of the tools for that, but I feel this desire to reach out has been growing in me even prior.  And for that I am ever thankful. 
So, thank you for reading and making an effort to connect to me.  Through the holidays, try and connect a little bit further with friends and family.  You may already know this, as I discovered on Thursday, that you’ll start appreciating the day, each other, and yourself all the more for it.   
I’ll explore this more in future posts, but more importantly, I’ll stay in contact more often… because it makes me happy.  I hope it does the same for you.  Thanks again.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Playing catchup...

Look!  It's a herd of mini Pokeys (in various phases of completion) reading my blog!

OK, I've obviously had too much coffee... 

But I'm charged up to work hard at completing the many orders that have come in recently.  Things have been busy!   Usually, I try to post a new blog every four days, but have since gotten a little behind.  (By the way, THANK YOU everyone for your orders.)

I'd normally be creating a video blog at this point, but honestly, it's been a rush to produce those mini Polka Spots', painted glassware, candle holders and goat bells, that I haven't had the time to record a decent video. 

The good news is that the business is doing well!  We're happy that so many of you are interested in our products.  Makes us feel good. 

Being that the store is so new, we're still fine tuning details and ironing out systems to make the shopping experience the best it can be.  It's a fun juggling act that I enjoy.  And, since I make items on demand, it's an exciting race to get the orders made and shipped in a timely fashion.   If there is a bit of a delay, just realize that your items were made fresh - just for you.  :)

I'm just about finished with our current orders, so I'll be able to focus on new Christmas items next.  At that point, my goal is to post a new item every two days. 

Thanks everyone!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Spooktacular Party...

My family and I create Holiday productions and events - Christmas, Easter, and, of course, Halloween!  Normally, we would have put together a creepy attraction for this Autumn season open to the public.  However, due to time constraints, we couldn't this year.   

So, we threw a party instead...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Poem

Look what we had seen when the morning sun rose...

The wall cover blended now with Jolene's toes...

Blanketing all of our Halloween fun...

As though winter and Autumn, now were one...

and then gone.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Animal Shelter Fundraiser...

We had a great time at the Saturday's dog costume contest for the Animal Shelter of Schoharie Valley.  Take a look!

(And thanks for the great picture, Gloria.)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Thank you and the beautiful sun rise...

Hi all!

Thanks for your ideas and I wanted to respond quickly to your great comments: 
Cleveland Bucky - I just purchased ornaments to paint on last night.  Thanks!
Amy - I just posted another video blog here and am about to add a new Video Page with our new Halloween video that I just completed!  Can't wait to post it in the next day. 
Angela, as seen in this video blog, I think a Pokey sculpture is a great idea.  So I'm working on it now and looking for a mirror for John's image too. 
And thanks Teri for your comment!  I appreciate it.

You guys are the best.

So here's the new video blog entry.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another way of creating a blog... video!

This doesn't mean that I won't be writing anymore.  It's just something I'm trying, to keep the site interesting.  This way, you get to see of what I'm talking about.  
Hope you like it!  Let me know if you do or don't.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Farmer John and Jason's Storefront is off and running!

What a terrific day!  With weeks of preparation work and no room for social life between; with paint stained hands and sculpt-cramped fingers; with a household of products to be made and two people filled full of hope - it happened.  John and I launched our Web site's store today. 

Thanks to you, it was a success.

I'm not talking about whether or not you purchased something.  I'm referring to the fact that you were kind and interested enough to be there through the process.  In knowing that you're reading this blog, it helps provide us the energy and enthusiasm required to work harder and achieve our goal.

This has been an emotionally rewarding experience and I appreciate all of you readers, patrons, blog followers... our friends. Thanks again. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Driven Rain. Driven Jason.

Wow!  That rain is really belting down on the roof this morning.  Even while I'm on my treadmill now (I'll explain in a second) I can still hear it rap against the shingles of our home.  The forcasters were calling for it and did we ever get it.  Driving back late last night from Albany in the rain, with my mother, was interesting.  Heck, it was dangerous!  Not only was visibility strained and were the deep puddles tempting my car to hydroplane, but the rain also knocked many leaves down onto the wet roads.  Not good.  Slick.

But, thankfully, my mother and I both made it home safely, as well as the items to be painted that we'd just purchased.  From the sounds of it outside, it'll be a good day to stay in, light an autumn scented candle and put a big push on to complete more items for Sunday's opening of the store. 

Oh, not sure if you knew yet, but that is the official date of our online opening: 
Sunday, October 3rd at 12:00 noon.

I'll list tomorrow some more of the items you can expect to find.  But right now I want to list an item you won't find at the store...  "What?" you may be saying.  Well this does relate, being that it is the first 3D Custom Sculpted Photo Frame (I've gotta think of a shorter name) I'd ever made.  Since I want to leave the Farm Frame, I'm currently finishing up as surprise for Sunday, I want to show you a finished example of my first.

This is my father, Richard, and the beautiful photo that my uncle took of him on a walk in Massena, NY:

It's a clear photo, but I zoomed in so much, it's a little blurry.  Anyway...

This is a 3D Custom Sculpted Photo Frame based on his photo:

You can see the 5 x 7 photo inside the frame and the outside imagery is matched and hand sculpted, cast and then painted.  In this shot, the frame is resting (a little lopsided) on a table, but it has a hanger and usually is mounted on the wall upright.

It's one of my favorite projects - though a little time consuming to make. 

And the Beekman's first in a series, that I started to show you, will be finished by this Sunday!  But in order for my little invention to be complete by that time, I've got to get off this invention that I'm currently walking on and have been for the last 1/2 hour - my Computer Treadmill Unit.  (I told you I'd get back to this.) 

My Computer Treadmill Unit is not much of an original idea since they sell professional ones online for hundreds to thousands of dollars made of steel.  I made my own homely version (and it DOES look homely) for nothing.    P.S. - I don't recommend people building their own out of the cheap materials I used (and I mean cheap) because we're talking about cardboard and duct tape!  Seriously.

I'd take a photo, but I'm truly humiliated by the way this contraption looks.  It got filmed last season in the show, but they cut the footage - possibly due to my newbie nervousness, but probably because this cardboard/duct tape/ treadmill Beast was lingering in the corner. 

In all fairness to the Computer Treadmill Beast, it's a wreck to look at, but this thing has changed my life!  When ever I'm feeling tired or blue or uncreative, (as many artists often do) I hop on my Computer Treadmill Unit for a half hour, check my emails, blog, or update the website as I walk and, before I know it, I'm feeling excellent!  It charges me up while staying productive!  By the way, the Treadmill Beast has helped me loose weight too.  Another perk.  Love my Beast!

But that's what my life is all about now - using my creativity to make constant improvements - to myself and the products that I make.  Sometimes they are little outlandish.  Most of the time they work!

On that note, it's already 6:15am and I've gotta get to work creatin' some more products for you. 

Thanks for readin'!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Art on a misty morning at the Beekman.

Last night, I stayed up watching Disney's Wall-E through the corner of my eye while painting my first goat portrait on a glass vase I'd purchased.  I love playing imaginative movies in the background while I'm working on projects.  Well, that or 80's music - which I do right now.  Both keep my creative vigor rolling. 

I'm pretty pleased with how the vase turned out for a first attempt, especially after John exclaimed, "It looks just like her!"  (Her being Chrissy - one of his girls.)  My heart did a victory leap.  This was what I was hoping for.  (I should have a "Farmer John Approved" label on the packaging of each project that passes.)

Take a look:

John suggested I add her name to the vase too.  I thought that was a good idea.  These glass object paintings will be one-of-a-kind products meaning they won't be mass produced.  They're just individually made and signed.

My other current project, the 3D Custom Frame and Photo, is coming along, too.  It'll take a bit longer though.  In fact, I needed to get a few additional reference photos out in the pasture this morning after I'd finished my chores with John.  And, wow, was it a beautiful misty morning! Just look:

Meanwhile, I've added some of the sculpted elements (the goat in the forefront and the start of the hay pile on the bottom) in Super Sculpey.  Once it's finished (it'll be a day or two), I'll bake the completed sculpture, make a mold of it prior to painting and then cast it.  Not sure what material to use yet though for casting.  I've got a few options.

This project is still in the early stages and you won't see the aluminum foil when it's complete:

And we're still developing the storefront.  I hope (and don't quote me here) that it could be up sometime this weekend.  That would be nice, but we still have a few hoops to jump through.  Also, can't have a store without inventory!  SO... I'd better get back to work!

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Working on our website's first Art Product...

Well, it's about 5:45 am (yes, farmers do get up early) on a Sunday (yikes).  Today, I woke up a little earlier (about 4:30) out of excitement over this website.  We've received a good response already and it's charged me up. 

But the website is still missing a big component - the Store.  That is my next project.  I'd like to have it up and running this week, but in order to accomplish that... I need inventory.  That means I've gotta stop blogging and start sculpting. 

This is my first project!  It is going to be a "3D Custom Sculpted Photo Frame" for a particular picture I'd taken of Poke-A-Spots and the goats outside the back of the barn. 

This is what the photo looks like:

I particularly liked the soft hues of the sky against the barn, but mostly felt it was a striking shot of Pokey guarding her herd.  It almost seemed like the goats were nervously looking out from the security of the barn, waiting for the "coast was clear" signal from our popular llama (who by the way, has her own Facebook page). 

It's a nice image on it's own, but I have other plans for it.

So I enlarged the photo and had it professionally printed and mounted on backing, behind glass.  Now, it's ready for the next step - the sculpting of the frame over top of the matte to match and extend the photo.

Not sure what I mean?  Don't worry.  I'll show you as I progress with the project.

This process is one of my "inventions" and will be the first of a product line I'll be creating for this website.  I have an example of a finished "3D Custom Sculpted Photo Frame" that I will post in my next entry.  

Till then, I'll be working hard at this and the "Store" page.  Wish me luck! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ahhh... the wonderful world of blogging.

Well, here we are.  John and I decided about a week ago that we'd like to have a writing outlet to express his ideas regarding the animals here at the Beekman and for myself to blog about all of the opportunities for creative development relating to life with those animals here on the farm.  A farm, after all, is not only breeding ground for baby animals... it is also for physical labor - labor that needs to be done daily... twice!  And since  "necessity is the mother of invention", the farm turns out to be a breeding ground for innovation too!

And that's where I come in. I'm an "Idea Man" and my goal is to not only help my partner by haying, watering, and sweeping after his herd, but to simplify and streamline his workflow too. 

So this website will be the place to read about what I'm working on now.  It's been a "Multi Bottle Feeder" for the goat kids, an "Egg Condo" for the Beekman hens, a "3 in 1 Hay Feeder" for our buck boys, and even John's "8 Milking Goat Stanchion" that I created for him just recently.  (Photos of all of these are at the bottom of my intro page.) 

But my upcoming projects will not be work related.  The barn is, for now, in great shape.  So my energies are being shifted to more art related farm products.  I will explain more deeply about this in my next post. 

I am extremely excited to be here blogging with you at this stage in my life.  I look forward to when next we meet!