
Innovate your life!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Today feels right to blog again...

I think I may have mentioned this in one of my old blogs, but most mornings now, after John and I come in from the barn (which doesn't take much time these days, now that the goats are winding down for the season in milk production), I sit for a bit and meditate. 
See, Michael Whaling created this most magnificent piece of art that will hopefully be a part of this gorgeous property from now till the end of time.  It's his stone wall.  I've shown it to you in previous older posts, but video doesn't do it justice. 
This wall is now an important part of my life.  After spending my first waking moments with the animals and making sure they are hayed and watered with John, I'm ready to spend a moment with one of our barn animals in particular - Bubby, one of our amazing cats. 
You can't compare animals to animals like you can't people.  Everyone's so beautifully different and important, there's simply no need to want to try.  So Bubby and the wall share my special morning time. 
Michael brilliantly built into this stone structure, which surrounds Josh's wonderful garden, with a seat.  Two actually.  One on the side nearest our house, near our entrance, and one beautifully centered in the corner.  Not sure why, but that one draws me in most often. 
This morning, I situated myself on the seat with Bubby.  I almost didn't feel the need to ponder this morning, but as John and I approached the house, he reminded me of what a nice morning it was weather wise.  He was right.  Prior, stepping out of the barn revealed an amazing 1/4 moon and a single star (which I actually think is one of the planets) and a rose hinted light cloud cover.  The sun was getting ready to rise and the temperature was nice for this time of year.  Perfect.  How could I resist. 
I called to Bubby, who had followed us from the barn to the house and he bounded over to follow me to our seat in the corner.  We sat for a few moments and I got inspiration to write. 
Since I've been spending this quality time with Bubby and the garden and the wall and the sky, I've noticed I've felt lighter... happier... smiling and laughing a lot.  It's just such a good feeling.  I think Bubby's been happier too.  lol. 
It's nice.  It's simple.  It's good.  And you know what?   I think life is too.  Complications seem to be smoke and mirrors to me lately.  There's something deeply good going on underneith it all.  Secretly and beautifully hidden.  I can't help but feel like I'm kind of waking up to it myself.  I think we all are.  And I can't help but smile about it.
This is a photo of Bubby.  He's so striking here.  I took this before the wall was finished.  Interestingly, he's sitting right next to our favorite seat, before we really started sitting there regularly.  (Maybe life whispers.)


  1. Good morning Jason. Great to hear you too enjoy the creations of AWWWWW too. I enjoy the mornings (weather pending) to sit and enjoy the world around me. The early glimpse of the remaining moon, the birds starting to sing, the goats of course and the wonders of G.. I thank him every day I wake up to see the beauty around me in the nature and the people in my life. All I am truly thankful for. Each day is a challenge to do whats is right for you and your world. Most people don't stop to hear the song of birds, or watch the eagles fly, or even to listen to the sound of ones own heart beat. All these things can so easily be taken for granted. I try every day to enjoy everything and everyone around me. And Cherish it all. Have a Great Life.....

  2. Thanks Kathy. It is nice and we all have access to it. Funny how it has nothing to do with money.

  3. I think those that don't have the money riches can appreciate the beauty around them more. At least I do. Stay warm and true to yourself. G.. will get us through our journey and keep us on the path of life...
